Hello students in this post I’m going to share complete details about last year cutoff ranks of TSEAMCET 2022.
What is Eamcet?
Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test-2022 (TS EAMCET-2022) is being conducted by JNTUH on behalf of TSCHE. This state level examination is the prerequisite for admission into various professional courses offered in University / Private Colleges in the state of Telangana and held once in a year.
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) situated in the heart of Telangana state’s capital city, Hyderabad at Kukatpally is a major landmark, has an environment of Academic Excellence. Bringing the spark of knowledge to young minds and instilling a new confidence and vigor to face the world, it is providing quality Education for nearly four decades. Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has delegated the task to JNTUH for conducting the most prestigious entrance examination of Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (TS EAMCET) for this year 2022. This is the 27th time and 24th consecutive time that JNTUH has been assigned this enormous task. It is indeed a proud fact that after the formation of the 29th state in India i.e., TELANGANA, TSCHE has instilled confidence and faith in JNTUH for the smooth conduct of this test. Hence, this is the 8th consecutive time that JNTUH is conducting this prestigious and humongous task of TS EAMCET-2022 in the newly formed Telangana State. As a premier Technological University of the undivided A.P. State and the newly formed state of Telangana, JNTUH has been successfully conducting the EAMCET and standing high and strong through the ages of competition and technology for the past 23 years.
Be it, introduction of new technology in online application or conducting the examination, announcing the results as per the schedules or facilitating the TS EAMCET-2022 aspirants to write hassle-free test, there has been every attempt made by JNTU Hyderabad and no efforts left each year in terms of raising the quality and level of the conduct of TS EAMCET-2022 examination. The entire process of online submission of the application form is user-friendly and self-explanatory. Further, it has made very convenient, simple and accessible to the end users and given us confidence and pleasure to introduce the COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) for conduct of TS EAMCET-2022. This continuous pursuit to make TS EAMCET a paper-free examination has been highly appreciated by all sections and JNTUH takes the pride of becoming a trend setter for other common Entrance Tests by introducing the online mode of Application and Computer Based Test from 2018 onwards.
This website provides all the important information and links related to TS EAMCET-2022 examination conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad in the State of Telangana.
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